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joi, 7 octombrie 2010

I haven't been a WoW PvP player for such a long time. I started the arena and BG content in S6, and at first it was very hard for me to find a team to accept me. Since the arena gameplay is an elitist type of content, every team I've been with kicked me out just after a few games. They all said they didn't need noobs in their teams or sent me to practice more, and I thought I was never going to reach at least 1800 rating to get the nice weapons. So, I started to work with a WoW PvP guide.

This WoW PvP guide has revealed to me a lot of information on the PvP content in World of Warcraft, putting into view numerous strategies for arena and battlegrounds for most of the powerful setups and teams. So, not only that improved my PvP gameplay and style, I also learned how to fight against any opponent. Therefore, I'm going to point out a few arena and battleground strategies this WoW PvP has taught me.

Warsong Gulch - PvP Strategy. The tactic that I've been using with my friends successfully and works excellent is a combination of these methods. We usually split in a defensive group which concentrates on the opposite team healers, taking them out when they attack. As this WoW PvP guide has instructed me, it's best for a second team to stay in the middle and intercept the flag as well as controlling the middle as good as possible and the third team goes for the flag with a druid and a crowd controller. The druid is supposed to take the flag fast to the team in the middle which will escort him to the entrance of the base, creating a barrage between him and the attackers. Once reaching the entrance of the base tunnel, switches to cat form and runs for the cap. This is an optimized tactic that works 100% but communication is very important.

WoW Arena Strategy For Retribution Paladin - Rogue. Of course, the best spec for an arena rogue is on Assassination-Subtlety. This is a full nuke setup designed to burn down fast one of the opponents. Both paladin's and rogue's target is the enemy that has the less defenses, like a shaman or shadow priest. This setup the possibility of resetting the fight, the paladin bubbles and the rogue vanishes. To increase damage and to obtain a better DPS burst it's a good idea to alternate the PvP gear with PvE items. The rogue will probably be the main target of the opponent team, so if you play the rogue in this type of setup, use your defensive abilities at maximum potential.

These strategies are just a little piece of information the WoW PvP guide I've been working with has taught me so far. Of course, it contains strategies for every arena setup, not just the one I pointed out above and also all the information a player needs to be successful in battlegrounds even if the team loses.

About the AuthorFollow this link if you want to take a look at this super PvP Guide. You can also find more information on this WoW PvP Guide, here.

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